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Underage Drinking Charges in Millersville, PA
Joseph Kenneff • October 30, 2015

Monthly, I receive a call from the mother of an upset high school or college student shocked to find that the penalties for a Millersville PA Underage Drinking include a license suspension(Denoted as Purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor or malt or brewed beverages at 18 Pa.C.S.A. 6308 of the Crimes Code).

The story is usually the same: My son or daughter got caught drinking red-handed on the Millersville University campus, received a citation from the Millersville University police in the mail, didn’t bother to consult with an attorney, knew he or she was guilty, so he or she simply signed the guilty line on the underage drinking citation and paid the fine. Lo and behold, a few months later he or she received notice from PennDOT that his or her license was going to be suspended as a result of this guilty plea. What can be done about this now?

Unfortunately, the answer I must give every time I receive this call is “Nothing.” By the time, the notice of license suspension has been received, the appeal period has already run, and, unfortunately, the caller’s son or daughter is stuck with a 3 month, or more (depending on prior underage drinking charges) license suspension.

Do not make this same mistake! Even if, in your opinion, you were “caught red-handed” at a Millersville University party, or dorm room, contact a Millersville, PA underage drinking attorney today. There still may be options.

For example, in a somewhat common scenario, it’s possible the police may have made a mistake by detaining an entire room of potentially underage drinkers at a party without having individualized suspicion for each, and simply started to breathalyze each. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has made clear that without individualized suspicion for each, the police cannot detain the individual, and any evidence gained after this illegal detention cannot be used against you at your summary underage drinking trial. This evidence may include the results of a breath test; the observation of blood shot eyes, odor of alcohol, etc.; or an admission of consumption.

Even if police did everything correctly and you truly were “caught red-handed”, at times your attorney may be able to negotiate with the arresting officer to have the charge reduced to another charge that may not include a license suspension.

Never blindly plead guilty to an underage drinking charge before consulting with an attorney, and without fully understanding its consequences.

September 6, 2024
Generally, an executor of an estate is responsible for managing and distributing the deceased person’s assets according to their will. The first duty is to file the will and death certificate at the Lancaster County Register of Wills to start the legal process. After being officially appointed as the Executor or Executrix (female), the executor needs to inform the beneficiaries named in the will and notify creditors of the decedent’s passing. The executor needs to identify, locate, and value the deceased’s assets, including real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings. Once the assets are identified, the executor typically sets up an estate account and moves all the assets into that account. From that account, the executor would typically pay any bills and any inheritance taxes owed by the estate. Once taxes and debts are paid, the executor distributes the remaining assets to beneficiaries according to the will’s terms. The executor has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the estate and its beneficiaries, following the terms of the will and applicable laws. Being appointed as an executor or executrix, and settling a loved one's estate, is a great responsibility and entails considerable time and effort. Let Goodman & Kenneff help you through the Lancaster County estate administration and probate process.
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Do I need a financial Power of Attorney?
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